ICT Consultancy Unit

Define Africa IT Services support services focuses on providing fast, superior, reliable and customizable IT Support services for you to focus on business-critical functions by leaving part or all of your IT support needs under the wings of a single trusted service provider.

Asset Management

If assets are organized in categories, works can easily be tracked for the full life cycle, a complete history of work orders, associated work orders, budgets, and invoices are stored in a central, searchable database.

IT Support

Define Africa IT Services support services focuses on providing fast, superior, reliable and customizable IT Support services for you to focus on business critical functions by leaving part or all of your IT support needs under the wings of a single trusted service provider.

ICT Project Management

Technology transitions sometimes can be confusing and tedious. At Define Africa Limited, we take transitions with the seriousness they deserve. We help you design and implement all of your IT related projects.

Business Technology Solutions

We provide a wide range of Business Technology solutions to enable businesses take full advantage of the existing technology trends in maximization output.

IT Security and Infrastructure

The system of hardware, software, facilities and service components that support the delivery of business systems and IT enabled processes are backbone to delivery of seamless customer service and business growth in the 21st century.


As businesses, depend more and more on technology to promote and deliver their products to market, so the benefits of adopting Best Practice IT Service Management. Define Africa help desk will utilize the help desk.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)