Our History

Established in 2012, Define Africa is a leading IT company focusing on three main sectors – Business Technology Solutions, Managed Services and IT Consulting.

Our Work Process

We deliver business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and Service Delivery innovation. The core motivation is defining Service Excellence in Technology driven business solutions.

We begins with a review of the IT environment at the organization, to assess its adequacy to the support the current operations of the business and to implement the gaps with regards to best practice.

We optimize your technology, supporting better business outcomes, through our services-led approach. Our consulting, cloud, technical and support, and managed services help you drive and manage innovation. We offer broad technology expertise in a range of verticals. Combined with our strategic partnerships and robust services portfolio, we can help you achieve your digital transformation objectives

Why Choose Us

Define Africa enables customers to focus their resources on their core business and value delivery while ensuring that their critical long haul and regional network assets have experienced, qualified people available to provide optimal response/repair times during events requiring emergency response.

Want to know more about us?



To deliver inspired and innovative technology driven solutions that transform and empower people’s lives


To be a leader in technology driven solutions


We uphold Integrity, Professionalism, and Personal Service.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)