Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Solutions

We are your partner in designing, implementing, and automating Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems that ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of your programs and projects. With expertise in surveys, evaluations (baseline, endline, impact, outcome), and M&E system setup and automation, we empower organizations to maximize their impact and drive positive change.

Survey Design and Implementation

We specialize in designing and conducting surveys tailored to your specific objectives and target audience. From questionnaire development to data collection and analysis, we ensure that your surveys yield actionable insights that inform decision-making and drive improvement.


Evaluation Services

 Our team of experienced evaluators conducts various types of evaluations, including baseline, endline, impact, and outcome evaluations, to assess the performance and outcomes of your programs and interventions. We employ rigorous methodologies and analytical techniques to provide comprehensive insights into your program’s effectiveness and efficiency.


M&E System Setup and Automation

 We help organizations establish robust Monitoring and Evaluation systems that facilitate data collection, analysis, and reporting. Leveraging advanced tools and technologies, such as M&E software and data management platforms, we automate routine processes, streamline workflows, and enhance data quality and transparency.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)